
collapsed clades
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import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
import requests
from io import StringIO as sio
import baltic as bt
import numpy as np
address='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Taming-the-BEAST/Structured-coalescent/master/precooked_runs/MTT.h3n2_2deme.map.trees' ## address of example tree
fetch_tree = requests.get(address) ## fetch tree
treeFile=sio(fetch_tree.text) ## stream from repo copy
ll=bt.loadNexus(treeFile,absoluteTime=False) ## treeFile here can alternatively be a path to a local file
ll.treeStats() ## report stats about tree
Tree height: 6.636090 Tree length: 35.270573 multitype tree annotations present Numbers of objects in tree: 129 (69 nodes and 60 leaves)
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fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 10),facecolor='w') ## create figure
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,1,wspace=0.0) ## using gridspec by default
ax=plt.subplot(gs[0],facecolor='w') ## create axes
colour=lambda k: 'indianred' if k.traits['type']=='HongKong' else 'steelblue' ## colour red if branch type is Hong Kong, blue otherwise
ll.uncollapseSubtree() ## in case you're rerunning this cell - uncollapse branches so the next bit has something to do
collapse_target=lambda k: k.is_node() and 'type' in k.parent.traits and k.traits['type']!=k.parent.traits['type'] ## we want to collapse nodes whose parents aren't root and whose type is not the same as their parent
for idx,k in enumerate(ll.getBranches(collapse_target)): ## iterate over branches that satisfy our function
ll.collapseSubtree(k,'clade %d'%(idx+1),widthFunction=lambda k: len(k.leaves)/2) ## collapse clade, assign unique name, clade triangle width will be half the space it would usually occupy
ll.plotTree(ax,colour=colour,zorder=10) ## plot collapsed tree
ll.plotPoints(ax,target=lambda k: k.is_leaf(),size=30,colour=colour,zorder=14) ## plot points on tips
clade_objects=lambda k: isinstance(k,bt.clade) ## identify clade objects
for k in ll.getExternal(clade_objects): ## iterate over tip-like objects that are clades
start_x=k.x ## get beginning of triangle
end_x=k.lastHeight ## get height of last child in clade
y=k.y ## get y coordinate
c=colour(k) ## get colour
clade=plt.Polygon((lower_left,upper_left,upper_right,lower_right),facecolor=c,edgecolor='k',zorder=12) ## define a triangle polygon
ax.add_patch(clade) ## add polygon
ax.text(end_x+0.1,y,k.name,ha='left',va='center') ## add text label to clade
[ax.spines[loc].set_visible(False) for loc in ax.spines] ## remove spines
ax.set_xticks([]) ## remove ticks and tick labels
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