Muller plot with raw frequencies
Muller plot¶
Muller plots are an intuitive visualisation of a tree that utilises the unused y-axis of phylogenetic trees to display the frequency of a lineage over time. The relationships between lineages are visualised as nesting of frequencies. Depending on how frequencies are computed Muller plots can make things apparent that weren't before when data were visualised as trees.
In this example notebook we'll do two examples. One is an influenza B virus dataset where frequencies are computed using augur (the pipeline nextstrain uses to process data) which gives us normalised and smoothed trajectories of descendant sequence counts for nodes. These get computed for every node so in order to reduce clutter in the Muller plot we'll reduce the tree down to only a couple of specified nodes using a custom skeleton_tree
The other example is a small handmade tree with frequencies that are unique to a branch (i.e. frequency values correspond to the branch itself but do not include its descendants), where we'll sum the frequencies across offspring. We'll then plot the Muller plot with both unnormalised and normalised frequencies.
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
from Bio import Phylo
import numpy as np
import glob,os,copy,requests
from io import StringIO
import baltic as bt
from augur import frequencies,frequency_estimators
# address='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/evogytis/fluB/master/data/mcc%20trees/InfB_NPt_ALLs1.mcc.tre' ## address of example tree
address='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/evogytis/fluB/master/data/mcc%20trees/InfB_PAt_ALLs1.mcc.tre' ## address of example tree
fetch_tree = requests.get(address) ## fetch tree
treeFile=StringIO(fetch_tree.text) ## stream from repo copy
ll=bt.loadNexus(treeFile,tip_regex='_([0-9\-]+)$') ## treeFile here can alternatively be a path to a local file
Tree height: 29.500153 Tree length: 458.766950 strictly bifurcating tree annotations present Numbers of objects in tree: 903 (451 nodes and 452 leaves) Done!
Muller plot code¶
This cell defines the function used to plot Muller plots. Its operation is quite simply - it traverse the tree, clips frequencies to the time between when they first appear and are last seen, computes the padding available between offspring frequencies and plots them, with normalisation if necessary.
def clip_freq(ys):
Clip a list of frequencies to the first non-zero and the last non-zero values.
if sum(ys)==0.0: return []
start=next((i for i, y in enumerate(ys) if y), None)
end=len(xs)-next((i for i, y in enumerate(ys[::-1]) if y), None)
if start==0: start=1
return reindex
from collections import Counter
def draw(ax,node,size,timeline,bottom=None,facecolour='lightgrey',edgecolour='k',level=None,normalise=None):
Plot a Muller plot on ax starting from a node and accessing its frequency using the size function along a timeline grid.
if level==None: level=1
ys=size(node) ## returns values of a node over time
if normalise: ## if normalise function available - normalise frequencies
bottom=[0-y/2 for y in ys] if bottom==None else bottom ## if no bottom provided - compute it
xs=range(len(ys)) ## indices of frequencies
xx=clip_freq(ys) ## reindex frequencies to clip zeroes at the beginning and end
fc=facecolour(node) if callable(facecolour) else facecolour ## get colours
ec=edgecolour(node) if callable(edgecolour) else edgecolour
clipped_timeline=[timeline[t] for t in xx]
clipped_bottom=[bottom[t] for t in xx]
clipped_values=[bottom[t]+ys[t] for t in xx]
edgecolor=ec,alpha=1.0,zorder=level) ## plot frequency
if node.is_node(): ## if node has children
children=[ch for ch in node.children if (ch.is_node() or size(ch))] ## children of node
clipped_children=[list(clip_freq(size(ch))) for ch in children] ## clip frequencies of child
clipped_freqs=Counter(sum(clipped_children,[])) ## count how many timeline indices are left
N_children=[clipped_freqs[t]+1 if clipped_freqs[t]>0 else 1 for t in xs] ## count+1 of indices = number of children at any point
children_sum=[sum([size(ch)[t] for ch in children]) for t in xs] ## total frequency of children
if normalise:
children_sum=normalise(children_sum) ## if normalise available - normalise child frequencies
available_space=[(ys[t]-children_sum[t]) for t in xs] ## node frequency - all children frequencies = padding space left
unique_space=[available_space[t]/N_children[t] for t in xs] ## how much padding to add
temp_bottom=bottom ## start with bottom
for c,child in enumerate(children): ## iterate over children
child_freq=clip_freq(size(child)) ## clip child frequencies
padded_bottom=[temp_bottom[t]+unique_space[t] if t in child_freq else temp_bottom[t] for t in xs] ## pad bottom with space available, if a child is present
edgecolour=edgecolour,level=level+1,normalise=normalise) ## draw frequency for each child, padding as you go
return [bottom[t]+ys[t] for t in xs] ## new bottom is bottom+this node's values
augur clade frequencies¶
This cell will convert the baltic tree into a BioPython tree on which augur clade frequencies can be computed.
tips=[k.name for k in ll.Objects if k.branchType=='leaf'] ## get tip names
tipDates=[k.split('_')[-1] for k in tips] ## isolate collection date from tip name
dates=[bt.decimalDate(k,variable=True) for k in tipDates] ## convert dates into decimal dates
tr = Phylo.read(StringIO(ll.toString()), "newick") ## create a Bio.Phylo tree from the baltic tree
for k in ll.Objects:
if k.length<0.0:
k.length=0.0 ## convert negative branch lengths to 0.0
for n,nd in enumerate(tr.get_terminals()):
if hasattr(nd,'attr')==False:
nd.attr['num_date'] = bt.decimalDate(nd.name.split('_')[-1],variable=True) ## assign collection date to Bio.Phylo tips
pivots = np.array(frequency_estimators.make_pivots(200,np.array(dates))) ## create time grid for clade frequencies
bfq=frequencies.tree_frequencies(tr,min_clades=50,node_filter=None,pivots=pivots,verbose=False) ## create a frequencies object
bfq.estimate_clade_frequencies() ## estimate smoothed trajectories
for n,nd in enumerate(ll.traverse_tree(include_condition=lambda k:True)): ## frequencies are estimated in traversal order
if nd.is_node():
nd.traits['cf']=bfq.frequencies[n] ## assign frequency vector to node
Plotting augur frequencies¶
Real trees are large and clade frequencies are computed for either all or a small number of branches with augur. Traversing trees where some branches don't have frequency vectors would cause plotting issues, so in order to make everything look neat we'll reduce the tree to just the nodes whose frequencies we care about while preserving their ultimate relationships.
def skeleton_tree(nodes,tree):
Reduce the tree to specified nodes, preserving their relative relationships and all the tips.
skeleton=copy.deepcopy(tree) ## deepcopy tree
indices=set([n.index for n in nodes]) ## index nodes we want to keep
relations={} ## will map node to parent
for k in [nd for nd in skeleton.getInternal() if nd.index in indices]+skeleton.getExternal(): ## iterate over nodes we want to keep and all tips
while cur_node.parent and cur_node.parent.index not in indices: ## descend to root for as long as a parental node we want to keep is encountered
relations[k]=cur_node.parent ## remember (simplified) relationship
for k in skeleton.Objects: ## iterate over all branches
if k not in relations and k not in list(relations.values()): ## branch is not one we want to keep
remove.append(k) ## remember to remove
for r in remove:
skeleton.Objects.remove(r) ## remove unwanted nodes
for k in skeleton.getInternal():
k.children=[] ## reset children of all nodes
for k in relations: ## iterate over nodes we kept
parent=relations[k] ## get the node's new parent
if parent: parent.children.append(k) ## parent is available - add node to parent's children
k.parent=parent ## assign parent
for k in skeleton.Objects:
k.length=k.height-k.parent.height if k.parent else 0.0 ## set new branch lengths now that a lot of intervening branches have been removed
return skeleton
fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,10),facecolor='w')
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1,hspace=0.0,wspace=0.0)
ax = plt.subplot(gs[0])
significant=lambda k: [len(ch.leaves)>70 for ch in k.children if ch.is_node()].count(True)>=2 or k==ll.root or ('PB1' in k.parent.traits and k.traits['PB1']!=k.parent.traits['PB1']) ## will highlight nodes with children that are nodes themselves, each with >70 descendant tips, or root, or mismatched PB1 states
target=lambda k: k.is_node() and significant(k)
################ colour assignment
for k in sorted(ll.getBranches(target),key=lambda w: w.height): ## get colours for each clade
if k.traits['PB1']=='V':
elif k.traits['PB1']=='Y':
simple_ll=skeleton_tree(ll.getBranches(target),ll) ## reduce the tree to certain nodes, preserving relationships but keeping all tips
size=lambda k: k.traits['cf'] if 'cf' in k.traits else None ## access frequency values
facecolour=lambda k: colours[k.index] if k.index in colours else 'lightgrey' ## get colour
draw(ax,simple_ll.root,size,timeline,bottom=[0 for x in timeline],facecolour=facecolour,edgecolour='k') ## draw Muller plot
x_attr=lambda k: k.absoluteTime ## plot in absolute time
y_attr=lambda k: k.y/ll.ySpan ## constrain tree y dimension to be between 0 and 1
ll.plotTree(ax,x_attr=x_attr,y_attr=y_attr,zorder=100000) ## plot tree
ll.plotPoints(ax,target=target,x_attr=x_attr,y_attr=y_attr,size=100,colour=facecolour,zorder=100000) ## plot preserved nodes
ax.vlines(ax.get_xticks(),0,1,color='w',ls='--',lw=1,zorder=1000) ## add vertical lines for dates
This cell just shows the tree that is the source of Muller plot frequencies.
fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,15),facecolor='w')
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1,hspace=0.0,wspace=0.0)
ax = plt.subplot(gs[0])
x_attr=lambda k: k.absoluteTime
y_attr=lambda k: k.y/ll.ySpan
skeleton.plotPoints(ax,target=lambda k: k.index in [w.index for w in ll.getBranches(target)],x_attr=x_attr,y_attr=y_attr,size=100,colour=facecolour,zorder=100000)
[ax.spines[loc].set_visible(False) for loc in ax.spines if loc not in ['bottom']]
Custom frequencies¶
If you have computed frequencies using some other method other than augur's clade frequencies or you're working with counts rather than frequencies this code will help you plot your data - normalised or unnormalised.
def sum_values(node,attribute):
Collect a node's children attributes, add to parent's attribute (assumes it's a list).
if node.is_node(): ## has children
for child in node.children: ## iterate over children
values=sum_values(child,attribute) ## call on children
node.traits[attribute]=[cur_val+ch_val for cur_val,ch_val in zip(node.traits[attribute],values)] ## add children values to current node
return node.traits[attribute] ## return node's values
example='((("A1"[&freqs={0,0,0,0,1,0},fc="red"],"A2"[&freqs={0,0,0,0,1,2},fc="indianred"])[&freqs={0,0,0,1,2,2},fc="indianred"],("B1"[&freqs={0,0,0,0,0,1},fc="steelblue"],"B2"[&freqs={0,0,0,0,0,3},fc="skyblue"],"B3"[&freqs={0,0,0,0,1,0},fc="steelblue"])[&freqs={0,0,0,0,1,1},fc="steelblue"])[&freqs={0,0,0,2,3,1},fc="dimgrey"],"C"[&freqs={0,0,1,1,0,0},fc="grey"])[&freqs={0,1,1,1,2,4},fc="lightgrey"];' ## small tree with node labels that are counts and colours
ll=bt.make_tree(example) ## turn string into baltic tree
sum_values(ll.root,'freqs') ## add children's values to parent's value
fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,10),facecolor='w')
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1,hspace=0.1,wspace=0.0)
ax = plt.subplot(gs[0])
for k in ll.Objects: ## iterate over branches
for i,x in enumerate(k.traits['freqs']): ## iterate over "time points"
if x>0 and k.height==None: ## first time point where frequency is not zero and height not set yet
k.height=i ## branch height is first non-zero frequency value
for k in ll.Objects:
k.length=k.height-k.parent.height ## length is difference in heights
ll.plotTree(ax) ## plot tree
ll.plotPoints(ax,target=lambda k: True, colour=lambda k: k.traits['fc'],size=100) ## plot points for every branch
ll.addText(ax,x_attr=lambda k: k.height-0.02,y_attr=lambda k: k.y+0.2,target=lambda k: True,text=lambda k: k.traits['freqs'],ha='right') ## add text that shows the frequency of each branch
[ax.spines[loc].set_visible(False) for loc in ax.spines]
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1],sharex=ax)
size=lambda k: k.traits['freqs'] ## get frequencies of branch
facecolour=lambda k: k.traits['fc'] ## get colour of branch
draw(ax2,ll.root,size,range(6),facecolour=facecolour,edgecolour='k') ## draw Muller plot
[ax2.spines[loc].set_visible(False) for loc in ax2.spines if loc not in ['left','bottom']]
## repeat same procedure as before
fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,10),facecolor='w')
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1,hspace=0.1,wspace=0.0)
ax = plt.subplot(gs[0])
for k in ll.Objects:
for i,x in enumerate(k.traits['freqs']):
if x>0 and k.height==None:
for k in ll.Objects:
ll.plotPoints(ax,target=lambda k: True, colour=lambda k: k.traits['fc'],size=100)
ll.addText(ax,x_attr=lambda k: k.height-0.02,y_attr=lambda k: k.y+0.2,target=lambda k: True,text=lambda k: k.traits['freqs'],ha='right')
[ax.spines[loc].set_visible(False) for loc in ax.spines]
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1],sharex=ax)
size=lambda k: k.traits['freqs']
facecolour=lambda k: k.traits['fc']
normalise=lambda ys: [y/Max if Max!=0.0 else 0.0 for y,Max in zip(ys,ll.root.traits['freqs'])] ## normalise values of all frequencies to be between 0 and 1 by dividing by root's frequency
draw(ax2,ll.root,size,range(6),facecolour=facecolour,edgecolour='k',normalise=normalise) ## this time we're adding normalisation
[ax2.spines[loc].set_visible(False) for loc in ax2.spines if loc not in ['left','bottom']]