
padded clades
In [1]:
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
import requests
from io import StringIO as sio
import baltic as bt
import numpy as np
address='https://github.com/sdwfrost/mers-treedater/raw/master/MERS_274_sCoal.combinedTyped.mcc.tree' ## where the tree we'll use lives
fetch_tree = requests.get(address) ## fetch tree
treeFile=sio(fetch_tree.text) ## stream from repo copy
ll=bt.loadNexus(treeFile) ## treeFile here can alternatively be a path to a local file
In [2]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 20),facecolor='w') ## create figure
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,1,wspace=0.0) ## using gridspec by default
ax=plt.subplot(gs[0],facecolor='w') ## create axes
host_is_human=lambda k: k.traits['type']=='h' ## return true if branch is in humans
host_colour=lambda k: 'steelblue' if host_is_human(k) else 'darkorange' ## colour blue if human and orange otherwise
same_host=lambda k: 'type' in k.parent.traits and k.parent.traits['type']==k.traits['type'] ## branch is in same host as parent branch
highlights=ll.getBranches(lambda w: 'type' in w.parent.traits and w.traits['type']!=w.parent.traits['type']) ## get branches where parental and descendant branches are in different hosts
pad_nodes={} ## dict of branch: padding amount for branches chosen for highlighting
for node in highlights: ## iterate over branches chosen for highlighting
if node.is_leaf() or len(node.leaves)<=18: ## if branch is a tip or a node with fewer than 18 descendants
pad_nodes[node]=0 ## don't pad
pad_nodes[node]=10 ## otherwise pad by 10
ll.drawTree(pad_nodes=pad_nodes) ## redraw tree with new padding
host_is_human=lambda k: k.traits['type']=='h' ## return true if branch is in humans
host_colour=lambda k: 'steelblue' if host_is_human(k) else 'darkorange' ## colour blue if human and orange otherwise
ll.plotTree(ax,x_attr=lambda k: k.absoluteTime,colour=host_colour) ## draw tree, with absolute time and colour
for k in ll.getExternal(): ## iterate over tips
ax.plot([k.absoluteTime,ll.mostRecent],[k.y,k.y],ls='-',lw=1,color='dimgrey') ## grey lines from every tip's date to the most recent date
for k in highlights: ## iterate over highlights again
if pad_nodes[k]>0: ## if node was padded
xpad=0.1 ## space left along x axis
ypad=1.2 ## space left along y axis
height=max(k.yRange)-min(k.yRange)+ypad*2 if k.is_node() else ypad*2 ## box height is the extremes of y coordinates of node's descendants
left=k.absoluteTime-xpad ## left side of box is node's date minus padding
lower=min(k.yRange)-ypad if k.is_node() else k.y-ypad ## lower side of box is lowest coordinate minus padding
width=k.childHeight-k.height+xpad*2 if k.is_node() else xpad*2 ## box width is difference between node height and last descendant
rect=Rectangle((left,lower),width,height,facecolor='none',edgecolor='indianred',lw=2,ls='-',zorder=100) ## create rectangle
ax.add_patch(rect) ## add rectangle to plot
ax.set_yticks([]) ## no y ticks
[ax.spines[loc].set_visible(False) for loc in ax.spines if loc not in ['bottom']] ## no spines