In [1]:
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
import requests
from io import StringIO as sio
import numpy as np
import baltic as bt
trees={} ## dict
for segment in segments:
address=r'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/evogytis/fluB/master/data/mcc%%20trees/InfB_%st_ALLs1.mcc.tre'%(segment) ## address of example tree
fetch_tree = requests.get(address) ## fetch tree
treeFile=sio(fetch_tree.text) ## stream from repo copy
ll=bt.loadNexus(treeFile,tip_regex='_([0-9\-]+)$') ## treeFile here can alternatively be a path to a local file
trees[segment]=ll.collapseBranches(lambda k:k.traits['posterior']<0.5) ## add tree object to dict
if segment=='PB1':
subset_tips=[w.name for i,w in enumerate(ll.getExternal()) if i%5==0]
trees[segment]=trees[segment].reduceTree([w for w in ll.getExternal() if w.name in subset_tips]) ## reduce tree to every 5th tip, to make plotting faster later
tip_positions={x:{} for x in segments} ## remember the position of each tip in each tree
for t,tr in enumerate(trees.keys()): ## iterate over trees
cur_tree=trees[tr] ## fetch tree object
for k in cur_tree.Objects:
if k.branchType=='leaf':
tip_positions[tr][k.name]=(k.height,k.y) ## remember (X, Y) position of tip
tip_positions={x:{} for x in trees} ## remember the position of each tip in each tree
for t,tr in enumerate(trees.keys()): ## iterate over trees
cur_tree=trees[tr] ## fetch tree object
for k in cur_tree.Objects:
if k.branchType=='leaf':
tip_positions[tr][k.name]=(k.height,k.y) ## remember (X, Y) position of tip
for X in range(3): ## 10 untangling iterations
print('iteration %d'%(X+1))
for t,tr in enumerate(segments): ## iterate over each tree
ptr=segments[t-1] ## previous tree
ntr=segments[t] ## next tree
seg=trees[ptr] ## fetch appropriate tree
for k in sorted(nex_seg.Objects,key=lambda q:q.height): ## iterate over branches from most recent to oldest
if k.branchType=='node': ## can only sort nodes
leaves=[w.leaves if w.branchType=='node' else [w.name] for w in k.children] ## descendent tips in current order
for c in range(len(leaves)):
leaves[c]=sorted(leaves[c],key=lambda x:tip_positions[ntr][x][1] if x in tip_positions[ntr] else 0.0) ## sort leaves according to their positions in the next tree
ys=[sorted([tip_positions[ntr][w][1] for w in cl if w in tip_positions[ntr]]) for cl in leaves] ## extract y positions of descendents
merge_ys=sum(ys,[]) ## flatten list of tip y coordinates
ypos=range(int(min(merge_ys)),int(max(merge_ys))+1) ## get y positions of tips in current order
order={i:x for i,x in enumerate(leaves)} ## dict of tip order: tip name
new_order=sorted(order.keys(),key=lambda x:-np.mean([(tip_positions[ptr][order[x][w]][1]-ypos[w]) for w in range(min([len(order[x]),len(ypos)])) if order[x][w] in tip_positions[ptr]])) ## get new order by sorting existing order based on y position differences
if new_order!=range(len(leaves)): ## if new order is not current order
k.children=[k.children[i] for i in new_order] ## assign new order of child branches
nex_seg.drawTree() ## update y positions
for w in nex_seg.Objects: ## iterate over objects in next tree
if w.branchType=='leaf':
tip_positions[ntr][w.name]=(w.height,w.y) ## remember new positions
if t==0: ## if first tree
trees[segments[t]].drawTree() ## update positions
lvs=sorted([w for w in trees[segments[t]].Objects if w.branchType=='leaf'],key=lambda x:x.y) ## get leaves in y position order
pos_colours={w.name:cmap(norm(w.y)) for w in lvs} ## assign colour
fig = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,10),facecolor='w')
gs = GridSpec(1, 1,hspace=0.0,wspace=0.0)
ax = plt.subplot(gs[0])
x_attr=lambda k: k.height ## branch x position is determined by height
c_func=lambda k: 'indianred' if k.traits[traitName]=='V' else 'steelblue'
ct_func=lambda k: cmap(k.y/float(tree1.ySpan)) ## call colour map with fraction that represents the y position of a tip (returns colour)
tree1.plotTree(ax,x_attr=x_attr,width=4,colour=c_func) ## plot black tree
tree1.plotPoints(ax,x_attr=x_attr,size=50,colour=ct_func,zorder=100) ## plot circles at tips
skip=tree1.treeHeight*0.35 ## skip this many units between trees
x_attr=lambda k: tree1.treeHeight+skip+tree2.treeHeight-k.height ## for tree2 we'll offset x coordinates by the height of the tree and invert branches
tree2.plotTree(ax,x_attr=x_attr,width=4,colour=c_func) ## plot black tree
tree2.plotPoints(ax,x_attr=x_attr,size=50,colour=ct_func,zorder=100) ## plot circles at tips
for k in filter(lambda x: x.branchType=='leaf',tree1.Objects): ## grab leaf objects in tree1
x=k.height ## get height
y=k.y ## get y position
matching_tip=tree2.getBranches(lambda x: x.branchType=='leaf' and x.name==k.name) ## fetch corresponding branch in tree2
xs=[x,tree1.treeHeight+0.15*skip,tree1.treeHeight+skip-0.15*skip,x_attr(matching_tip)] ## x coordinates for tangleline
ys=[y,y,match_y,match_y] ## y coordinates for tangleline
ax.plot(xs,ys,color=cmap(y/float(tree1.ySpan))) ## plot tangleline
[ax.spines[loc].set_visible(False) for loc in ['top','right','left','bottom']]
ax.set_ylim(-1,tree1.ySpan+1) ## set y limits
PB1 PB2 iteration 1 PB1 PB2 iteration 2 PB1 PB2 iteration 3 PB1 PB2
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